Learn Autism’s resources are designed to empower.
About Us
We know the confusion. The worry about the well-being of your child. The desperate search for trusted sources of information and direction. Our team knows because we’ve been there. We are leading experts in the field of Autism, parents of autistic children and autistic individuals, including our co-founder Dr. Stephen Shore.
Parents will find answers here. And hope.
We know you will do anything and everything to help your child. You just need to know what to do - it all starts with you. We help by providing unbiased information - and peace of mind - at every stage of the journey.
Find a positive path forward based on facts and experience.
Learn Autism provides evidence-based information on a wide range of topics from pre-diagnosis to adulthood in bite-size, on-demand videos. By providing information this way, we deliver something else we know you need - the confidence and assurance that you are doing everything possible for your child at important stages in their lives, including:
Early intervention
Toilet training
Managing transitions
How to play
Parenting made easier
Going to school
Developing social skills
Speech therapy
Occupational therapy
Life stories on the spectrum
And many more!
Meet the Team
Dr. Stephen Shore
Professor of Special Education at Adelphi University, Learn Autism Co-Founder
Debra Beckman
Speech Language Pathologist and developer of the Beckman Protocol
Sarah Norris
Occupational Therapist, Sensory Coach
Jennelle Olalo
Early Childhood Special Educator
Alison and Noah Saraf
Autism Mom and her son Noah
Our Mission is to make fulfilling and productive lives for people on the Autism spectrum the rule rather than the exception.
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