Awareness is good. Inclusion is better.
Over the years, tremendous strides have been made with Autism awareness, but now it is time to create a world where people understand, embrace and ultimately, engage. In April 2021, Learn Autism celebrated the individuals, businesses and organizations that demonstrate inclusion in order to give you ideas on how you can too. We hosted a live webinar with Dr. Stephen Shore, professor of special education who also happens to be autistic. He shared practical ways organizations can make small changes to make a big difference.
Autism awareness and inclusion shouldn’t stop at the end of April. Let’s keep it moving all year long.
You can be a big help. As an important member of the Autism community, your voice is vital.
Here are 2 ways you can make a difference for Autism Inclusion:
Share our campaign on your social media accounts (see our ‘Let’s Get Social’ section below).
Use the hashtag #MOVETOINCLUDE when you post about Autism inclusion and awareness and tag @LearnAutismapp. While you’re at it, tag 3 friends to let them know!
Awareness is good, but we need to do more. We're creating a movement that celebrates, respects, appreciates and includes ALL people.
Inclusion is the world we want to live in, so let’s get started today!

Speak up and help us create inclusion for people on the Autism spectrum. Here are a few other ways you can be part of the change.
Tips on How Your Organization can be Inclusive
Hold awareness training for your staff on how to interact with people on the spectrum.
Host an Internship program within your organization for autistic people.
Host sensory-friendly shopping hours (sound down, lights up).
Partner with schools and businesses to provide a work experience program that leads to employment. Chances are, they are amazing at what they do. The just need an opportunity to shine.
5 Ways to Move Towards Inclusion
Employ autistic people in your organization.
Generate stories and content about inclusion and success.
Use your platform/voice to promote messages about inclusion. Get started by clicking the graphics below to share on your social media.
Share tips on how your organization can be inclusive.
Tag @learnautismapp in your posts and use the hashtag #MOVETOINCLUDE
Let’s Get Social
Click an image to share on social media
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